Social Psychology Network

Maintained by Scott Plous, Wesleyan University

Rob Holland

Rob Holland

I received my Ph.D. in 2003 (Cum Laude) at the Radboud University Nijmegen. Currently, I am an associate professor in Nijmegen. In the past few years, I was awarded with the "best dissertation award" of the ASPO (Dutch organization for social psychology), a VENI grant from NWO (Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research) for my current research on the influence of attitude-behavior relations as a function of motivational orientation (2004), and an EAESP Jos Jasper’s award for early career achievement (2005).

My research interests include: (1) the influence of motivational orientation on automatic and controlled processes (automatic evaluation, attitude-behavior relations, intuitive decision making); (2) non-conscious processes; (3) implementation intentions (e.g., breaking habits through planning; (4) self-construal and interpersonal behavior; and (5) attitudes (the influence of attitudes on behavior; implicit versus explicit measures; attitude strength: strength of the link between an attitude and the self; attitude formation).

Primary Interests:

  • Attitudes and Beliefs
  • Judgment and Decision Making
  • Motivation, Goal Setting
  • Nonverbal Behavior
  • Self and Identity
  • Social Cognition

Research Group or Laboratory:

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Journal Articles:

Courses Taught:

  • Behaviour Regulation

Rob Holland
Department of Social Psychology
Radboud University Nijmegen
P.O. Box 9104
6500 HE Nijmegen
The Netherlands

  • Phone: ++31243612681
  • Fax: ++31243612677

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